
Welcome to The Great Journey of Life! :D If YOU want to be an author, send me an email at mickey.evil.gerbil@gmail.com, or just comment saying that you want to! :D
I'd love to have YOU on the Safari Crew!(:
And in case you wondered, in Kiswahili, "Journey" is "safari"! :D So our blog is a safari-themed life-lesson blog! :)


Please Join! :D

Thursday, May 23, 2013


ok, I got some new ideas for this blog's future.
instead of facts about animals, pictures of animals.
like what I used to do with:

This is a post about cute animals.


so should we do this again? but just this? It would be nice for us to be just an animal blog witha few facts here and there...

✄ SwiftWing/Celeriala (snaper6010) §

1 comment:

  1. Dragonshade (you may know me as snaper6010)November 9, 2013 at 6:29 PM



Hello! Thank you for visiting the Animal Jam Safari! We hope you have enjoyed it, and please feel free to leave a respectful comment or two! (or three or four or... etc. ;p)
Make sure you follow these simple commenting rules:
1) Nothing inapropriate PLEASE. Keep it appropriate for all ages. :)
2) NO swearing
3) NO being mean
4) ENJOY commenting! XD


~The Safari Crew!~