
Welcome to The Great Journey of Life! :D If YOU want to be an author, send me an email at mickey.evil.gerbil@gmail.com, or just comment saying that you want to! :D
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And in case you wondered, in Kiswahili, "Journey" is "safari"! :D So our blog is a safari-themed life-lesson blog! :)


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Sunday, March 24, 2013

Bye bye..

I'm sorry but I think there is enough of these blogs already out there so there's no reason to have another.. and I also think theres enough people working here so sorry but BYE!!


  1. That sort of makes me sad... :(
    There are much more AJ blogs then lesson blogs, and this blog isn't a standard lesson blog anyway. Besides, even if there are a lot of lesson blogs, every one has different stuff posted on it.
    But I am not going to judge you for your opinions. Bye! :3

    1. That's true but.. most of the SAME people work at all of the blogs! So it is pretty much all the same for me. I could be coming back, but I'm not sure yet.

  2. Aww, bye, Pupp. :( I really liked your post about bullies, and I was looking forward to seeing more of your posts! So if you ever change your mind, let me know and I will definitely add you again Asap! :D

    1. She was right about lesson blogs. there are to many of them...
      and yes this is a standard lesson blog.
      Because I said so.

    2. I might possibly come back, but not right now.

    3. @Swiftwing - There are much more AJ blogs than lesson blogs, and you saying that it's standard doesn't make it so.

    4. @kinyonga- "kiswahili" DOESN'T EXIST!

      @silverdawn- HOW DO YOU KNOW THERE ARE MORE AJ BLOGS THAN LESSON BLOGS? You have to accept the fact that wordpress and google sites and all the other weird companies probably have a LOT MORE lesson blogs than you think. It's not like you INVENTED lesson blogs...
      but i hve to say that i do not despise lesson blogs, it's just that there are too many lesson blogs, but i will not quit.

    5. Swiftwing...what do you mean Kiswahili doesn't exist? O.O
      I burst out laughing (no offence) when SilverDawn told me about this comment! XD
      Of COURSE Kiswahili exists! I've been to Kenya - where they SPEAK KISWAHILI. So it's.... *trails off* hahahahaha!!!

    6. All right, I admit I can't just assume there are more AJ blogs - but it's most probable, and there are DEFINITELY more AJ blogs than the lesson blogs with the same authors.
      No Kiswahili? I SPEAK a little Kiswahili. Kiswhahili is the language that they spoke in the LION KING. It's the language they speak in Kenya. Look it up if you want ^.^

  3. Guys!! We are making a comment fight out of nothing! Just because I quit doesn't mean we have to make a big deal about how many blogs are ACTUALLY out there.


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~The Safari Crew!~