
Welcome to The Great Journey of Life! :D If YOU want to be an author, send me an email at mickey.evil.gerbil@gmail.com, or just comment saying that you want to! :D
I'd love to have YOU on the Safari Crew!(:
And in case you wondered, in Kiswahili, "Journey" is "safari"! :D So our blog is a safari-themed life-lesson blog! :)


Please Join! :D

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

I quit

I'm sorry but I am quitting this blog now good bye!


  1. everyone has to quit whether the like it or not. basically they're throwning AJSAFARI away

  2. Replies
    1. She decided she likes to post animal jam things better.. I told her not to but she wouldn't listen..
      (her real name isn't lily)


Hello! Thank you for visiting the Animal Jam Safari! We hope you have enjoyed it, and please feel free to leave a respectful comment or two! (or three or four or... etc. ;p)
Make sure you follow these simple commenting rules:
1) Nothing inapropriate PLEASE. Keep it appropriate for all ages. :)
2) NO swearing
3) NO being mean
4) ENJOY commenting! XD


~The Safari Crew!~