
Welcome to The Great Journey of Life! :D If YOU want to be an author, send me an email at mickey.evil.gerbil@gmail.com, or just comment saying that you want to! :D
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And in case you wondered, in Kiswahili, "Journey" is "safari"! :D So our blog is a safari-themed life-lesson blog! :)


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Monday, March 25, 2013


Here I am, posting on Imagination.
Imagination is similar to pretending. Not pretending like bad pretending. I mean pretending like pretending you're (for instance) a cat. You have to imagine how a cat would act, feel, see, hear, think.
Some people have no imagination whatsoever, which isn't good.
You should have at least a little.
I love that quote! :)
That pretty much sums up imagination ^.^


  1. Easter really in the air! Today I saw like three bunny shaped clouds!! :D

    1. @Pupp - Wow! Bunny shaped clouds! That's so cool! :3

  2. bunny shaped clouds?

  3. Replies
    1. Swiftwing, one more bad comment and you're getting deleted off this blog.

    2. "Nice off banner" is a COMPLIMENT
      And what is the chamelion sitting/standing on in your pofile picturen
      P.s. nice off banner means I like the cloudy kinyonga sighn

    3. ik...THAT was :p
      It's a Jackson's female chameleon :p she didn't like the camera lens and was gawping fiercely at it! X3

  4. Nice, is it ok to put your imagination to draw?

  5. Feels like people are not paying attention to me...


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1) Nothing inapropriate PLEASE. Keep it appropriate for all ages. :)
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4) ENJOY commenting! XD


~The Safari Crew!~